Thome Logo - Not visible locally  THOME Electronic Submission of Invoice is No Longer Available! 

Dear ESI Tool Users,

As we continuously improve our end to end process in Accounts Payable here in OSM Thome , we are now moving to a new electronic invoice submission platform, The Eye-share PORTAL.

Effective November 20, 2023, ESI Tool will already be de-activated.

Kindly access below Eye-share PORTAL link to initiate your registration.


What you need to do?

1. Access the link and perform registration of your official email address that you will use in sending invoices to OSM Thome via Eye-share PORTAL

2. Ensure all invoices are compliant to our billing requirements and in PDF file format

Please note:

• You can now check all your submitted invoices’ status inside the PORTAL

• Any queries related to Eyeshare Portal other than invoices’ status can be sent to

Thank you for your cooperation.


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